

奥尔德伍德烟熏长鳍金枪鱼.5 oz.

(12 顾客评论)



This smoked delicacy begins with premium-grade Oregon Albacore, brined in a family recipe of brown sugar, 海盐, 和香料. Slow-smoked over native Alderwood coals, 它提供了一种无与伦比的味道,既湿润又精致的烟熏.

我们的烟熏金枪鱼以天然果汁包装,保留了必需的omega -3脂肪酸(每100克含有3050毫克).

Certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), our 抽长鳍 金枪鱼 upholds the highest standards of sustainability. 包装在非双酚a罐头,它保证了质量和环境责任.

Ingredients: Oregon Albacore 金枪鱼 (brined with brown sugar, salt & spices), smoked over natural Alderwood coals. 用天然果汁包装.

长鳍金枪鱼 Lightly Salted Nutrition Facts

Tested: 3,050 mg Omega 3 per 100 grams.

MSC认证. 用不含bpa的罐头包装.

一箱是24罐. 一半是12罐.


Save $6 when you buy a case (24 cans)

SKU: 2043 类别: , 标签:


12条评论 奥尔德伍德烟熏长鳍金枪鱼.5 oz.

  1. S.沃恩


  2. 谢尔狼

    我喜欢这些产品. 我已经使用世界杯在哪里买球很多年了,发现他们的金枪鱼是最高质量的. 我喜欢桤木烟熏长鳍鱼,它带着美味的烟熏味入口即化. Have used the gift package as much cherished gifts to others.

  3. 劳伦斯Wilmes

    To repeat what other customers have already stated; this is absolutely the finest/freshest canned and most delicious smoked 金枪鱼 I have ever purchased! This company is simply phenomenal in all aspects of: customer service, 交付高质量的产品, 优质的运输(也非常快)和包装(你们的运输部门非常注重细节,他们在我收到的每批货物上都表现得非常出色)。!! 我喜欢他们提供大量订单的折扣以及折扣优惠券代码! 感谢俄勒冈州的选择!!

  4. 凯伦·考克斯

    这种别致的烟熏长鳍鱼很适合放在烤盘上,但要省油 !

  5. 塞布丽娜Saiki-Mita

    If you want the most delicious smoked 金枪鱼 you’ve ever tasted get this one! 在几次餐饮活动中,我用它来制作手指三明治,这是菜单上谈论最多的一项, 甚至帮我介绍了几家因为客户特别想在菜单上加烟熏金枪鱼. I even use the liquid I drain from the cans in soups and pastas, so good! It arrives promptly, well packed, with no hassles ever. I can’t say enough good things about Oregon’s Choice. I highly recommend this product and their company!

  6. 尼克·隆德

    We think the smoked 金枪鱼 is delicious. 市场上最好的之一. 及时发货. we have ordered it by the case several times.


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